Want to Slim and Prevent Diabetes? Switch Drinks Water Manis

For a drink after a meal, often sweet and sugary drinks be the first choice. Well, if you want to lose weight and lower your risk of diabetes, this practice needs to be changed.

Yes, one simple way is to replace sugary drinks with a glass of water after eating.

According to researchers from Virginia Tech University, Kiyah J. Duffey, replacing sugar-laden drinks such as soda or sweetened tea with water can significantly help reduce weight and improve overall health.

Basically, the consumption of extra calories from sugary drinks and sugary known to increase the risk of weight gain and obesity. Moreover, this practice also increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

"Regardless of how many servings of sugary drinks that you normally consume, replacing even just with one serving alone can be a positive benefit," said Duffey, as quoted by Ask Men.

Swapping one glass of sugary drinks with a glass of water, according to Duffey, has helped reduce the daily intake of excess calories and obesity prevalence in populations accustomed to the sweet drink.

"We found that people who can drink seporso sugary drinks per day, then replace it with water, has reduced calories from 17 percent to 11 percent," he added.

Of the many types of drinks that can be selected to be consumed after meals, water is also an option which is most recommended by doctors. It is certainly not without reason.

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