Want to Slim and Prevent Diabetes? Switch Drinks Water Manis

For a drink after a meal, often sweet and sugary drinks be the first choice. Well, if you want to lose weight and lower your risk of diabetes, this practice needs to be changed.

Yes, one simple way is to replace sugary drinks with a glass of water after eating.

According to researchers from Virginia Tech University, Kiyah J. Duffey, replacing sugar-laden drinks such as soda or sweetened tea with water can significantly help reduce weight and improve overall health.

Basically, the consumption of extra calories from sugary drinks and sugary known to increase the risk of weight gain and obesity. Moreover, this practice also increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

"Regardless of how many servings of sugary drinks that you normally consume, replacing even just with one serving alone can be a positive benefit," said Duffey, as quoted by Ask Men.

Swapping one glass of sugary drinks with a glass of water, according to Duffey, has helped reduce the daily intake of excess calories and obesity prevalence in populations accustomed to the sweet drink.

"We found that people who can drink seporso sugary drinks per day, then replace it with water, has reduced calories from 17 percent to 11 percent," he added.

Of the many types of drinks that can be selected to be consumed after meals, water is also an option which is most recommended by doctors. It is certainly not without reason.

Without Gotta Feeling Hungry

Serve this super five kinds of food on your plate, and voila ... your successful eating

large reductions, without feeling hungry


(So ​​no need to eat a lot) but also make everything you eat even more delicious.


Listen to this fact. People who eat foods from plants can reduce the weight of 60-100%

compared to those of non-vegetarians.

Natural Peanut Butter

Rich in monounsaturated fats that are beneficial to cut bloated stomach. Peanut butter lami

Also it contains only half of sugar compared to other jams.


Why brokkoli always be a champion? Crisp crunchy vegetables contains sufficient M any fiber

(four grams for one serving) so that it can reduce hunger greatest though.

Fresh ginger

Root spice nausea relievers soothes the stomach churned, and even can be

merampingkannya.Jahe, almost zero calorie, can help burn calories.

Be a Leader not a Follower with Your Fitness

My daughter's 1st grade teacher let me know she would always be a leader and not a follower and this still holds true 24-years later.  I have also remained great friends with the awesome lady providing this advice, and I think about it often and how it applies to health and fitness. We all need to be leaders and not followers when it comes to our nutrition, exercise, sleep and everything related to improving the quality of our health.

I am a  skeptic when it comes to the "too good to be true" fitness miracles regardless of who is sharing the information.  I refuse to follow into the beliefs of others just because they heard it was the next best thing to sliced bread and how they have lost 20lbs in 5 days, or some crazy thing like that.  I feel the same way about exercise programs and will not trend in with the crowd because it has been advertised as the coolest "big hit" workout ever.  What does impress me is solid research and leading myself with what works best for me nutritionally and physically.  Everything else is just fluff until proven quality.  Sure it takes work when you are a leader, but it is worth the time and effort to ensure sound principles are being applied to your health.  There is so much crap out there that can actually hurt you and to not be aware of this fact is negligent.

Leaders also do not feel the need to compare and are confident moving forward, regardless of how slow, with a tried and true fitness program.  Followers are more apt to give up and jump to the next new fitness "thing" in hopes of achieving something from empty promises.  Leaders stand firm with dedication while followers get lost in the shuffle.  Leaders will get lifelong results and followers will yo-yo through and typically end up right where they started or worse.  Science has already proven consistent healthy eating and regular exercise is the answer to good health and leaders understand and accept this fact. Followers continue to struggle because they want fast and easy and typically the results worn by the leaders.

It is so important to understand being a leader will be the success of your overall health and fitness.  We all have differing things going on genetically, medically, and even emotionally worthy of our time and attention so an accurate fitness program specific to each of us can be applied.  It is time to stop jumping through someone else's hoop and think that is going to work and start being a leader with your fitness.

My current article on the About network covers science-backed nutrition recommendations for contest preparation and natural bodybuilding.  This is a great read and right on track with being a leader!

Fitness is Not About Having All the Answers

Fitness is a process and an ongoing journey of learning what works and what doesn't.  There will be ups, downs, frustrations and victories fine tuning our daily choices.  The point is to continue the uphill climb to becoming our best healthy self.  It's not about having all the answers because we never will.  During our life, our bodies will change, circumstances will happen and the pursuit of health and happiness will need to continue no matter what.  Quitting is never an option for us.

Fitness comes at a price and we do not get a free pass to good health.  Life is not that easy although many of us search around for things believing it possible and spend too much money on wasted gimmicks and unregulated supplements.  It is really OK to take things slow and enjoy the fitness ride along the way.  We are all works in progress in search of being better than yesterday.  Mistakes are not seen as failure but opportunities of learning and not repeating.  The mastery of adopting a healthy lifestyle stems from our mistakes and shows us the areas we need to change to reach our fitness goals.

We learn how to do that each day through what we eat and drink, how we exercise, time spent resting, and even the balance of work vs. play.  The opportunity is there for us and without excuse and what it comes down to is priorities. Is your fitness taking a backseat to the busy going on in your life, or negative self talk that keeps you from even trying?  As I shared, it is not about having all the answers, but it does require you to not want to stay in an unhealthy life situation. Something for you to think about.  Be well and Stay Healthy!

I Am What I Eat to a Large Degree

I am what I eat to a large degree and the whole "eating a sexy beast today" does not apply.  People ask me all the time about my nutrition and exercise programming outside of my working with clients.  I am a walk-the-talk trainer and maintain a fairly disciplined eating program and honestly, I would be a hypocrite if I didn't.  I am passionate about what I do helping people adopt healthy lifestyles and eating right plays the largest percentage in the fitness game.

I have maintained a healthy eating plan for several years and it is now a habit as natural as breathing.  I would feel weird if I began pounding down processed crap to feel like crap.  Eating superfoods daily and timing my nutrients is auto-pilot living for me.  I don't have to think about it or journal anymore but simply live it.  It is a process and habits do take time to develop.  All I know is I feel at my best when I eat the right things and combo that with consistent exercise.  My only downfall is not getting enough rest sometimes but disturbed sleep goes along with the whole menopausal thing.

I do enjoy teaching a simplistic and realistic way of eating right.  Nutrition should never feel like a burden but be a fun adventure of change learning how to sub out unhealthy choices for healthier alternatives.  It is true "you can't out exercise a crappy diet" and succumbing to food guilt punishment is not the path to fix that issue.  It is learning how to eat to become who you want to be and guilt is never connected to that.

Healthy food is also my preventative medicine and linked to decreased inflammation and reduced risk of disease.  Want to feel better and improve your quality of life overall?  Start eating healthy!  It may sound easier said than done, but it is a choice and working on what you really want in this life.  I blow no smoke working with clients about what it takes.  You can wish all day but if you don't apply the work, nothing happens.  The work becomes a healthy lifestyle and eventually you look back and don't even think about how hard it was but how good it feels now.  It's like giving birth and how the ultimate pain feels unbearable but the gift of a newborn is the amazing result (I would have to use a different analogy for men of course) but you get my drift.

I hope the holidays are treating you well and you are staying on track with your nutrition.   network that will be very helpful.  "Holiday Survival Tips", "Eat Healthy, Feel Healthy and Look Amazing", and you will really enjoy "100 Calories Superfood Snacks Made Quick and Easy."

A Quick Fix is Like Using Duct Tape for Fitness

Duct tape is awesome, but it's not meant to last.  In a pinch, the strong stuff can fix things temporarily but doesn't quite do the trick long term.  If you want something repaired right, it takes the right tools and materials, agreed? Quick fixes are the same as placing duct tape all over your fitness.  Speaking personally, I don't want a short-cut but a permanent solution to staying fit.

Unfortunately duct tape fitness is the most popular route for most people and as the sticky starts wearing off, it reveals what still remains ... an unhealthy body. The tape removal is painful and frustrating, but somehow the roll gets pulled back out and the ducting process begins again.  Temporary happiness but what a yo-yo ride.

It's time to toss out the tape and get real with what it takes to fix things right. Our healthy lifestyle tool box should contain things like dumbbells and jump ropes along with lean proteins, good carbs, and healthy fats.  Other great add-ins are motivational sayings, music, and awesome fitness clothes.  Probably one of the best tools pulled out of the box is a fitness accountability journal.

There are no short-cuts to where we want and need to go.  Duct tape has no business in our fitness and lifetime journey of  being healthy.  We should not be covered in a sticky mess revealing yuck on the inside when the tape is pulled back.  Our society needs to stop embracing the quick fix as any type of healthy remedy because that is crap.  What needs to happen is building a strong toolbox we can carry for a lifetime and daily use of the contents.  Be well and Stay Healthy!


7 Ways to Lower Your Carbohydrate Intake

A low-carb diet will have several health advantages. It will facilitate keep burthen and lowers the prospect of developing sicknesses like polygenic disorder. However, it will be easier aforementioned than done. attempt following our seven simple ways in which to stay carbohydrates in your diet to a minimum.

#7 Skip the drinkable

Fruit juice contains very little fiber and is filled with sugar and carbohydrates, very like the other sugar-filled drinkable. the simplest factor is to stay to water, however if you would like to feature to a small degree further flavor, attempt adding a slice of lemon or lime to spice things up to a small degree.

Take home message: simply because it says 'fruit juice' doesn't suggest it's higher for you than the other sweet drink; it is best to stay to water.

#6 Have Eggs for Breakfast

Many breakfast foods like breads and cereals ar high in carbohydrates. Eggs will give a tasty breakfast meal while not loading you abreast of carbs. they're conjointly filled with supermolecule, simply make sure to skip the toast.

Take home message: Eggs ar a high supermolecule, low carb, breakfast various if you're making an attempt to manage your macromolecule intake.

#5 Eat low macromolecule Snacks

You may be doing an excellent job keeping carbohydrates to a minimum once it involves your main meals, however those snacks will add up. Treats like pretzels and chips ar loaded with unwanted carbs. Instead, decide on cheese, almonds or walnuts.

Take home message: Keeping your macromolecule intake in restraint once it involves snacks is simply as vital as managing it throughout main meals.

#4 ensure Your farm Intake is Low macromolecule

Dairy merchandise ar terribly tasty and really healthy, however some ar loaded with carbohydrates. Fruit flavored yoghourt and frozen yoghourt ar typically high in sugar and carbohydrates. persist with Greek yoghourt and cheese for an occasional carb various. realize message - keep in mind to decide on farm that's low carb to induce the total advantages of farm merchandise with none unwanted carbohydrates.

Take home message: keep in mind to decide on farm that's low in carbohydrates to induce the total advantages of farm merchandise with none unwanted carbohydrates.

#3 Switch Potatoes and Bread for Vegetable

When given the selection between potatoes and bread or vegetables, notably once ingestion out, forever decide on vegetables. wherever attainable, ensure the vegetables ar non-starchy like carrots, peas or corn.

Take home message: ingestion out will be a challenge, therefore forever evoke vegetables rather than a carb-loaded facet.

#2 Eat many supermolecule

Eating a healthy, high supermolecule supply at every meal will create it easier to cut back those carbs. supermolecule like meat, poultry, eggs and loony not solely add flavor and selection to meals, however they conjointly cause you to feel fuller for extended, thus you'll be less doubtless to succeed in for an additional piece of bread

or high-carb afters.

Take home message: ingestion a healthy supermolecule at every meal is a straightforward thanks to lower your macromolecule intake.

#1 Cut out Bread

Whilst bread may be a staple in several diets, it's typically low in fiber and high in carbohydrates, this is often notably true of bread. If you're making an attempt to decrease your macromolecule intake, the only and only means is to eliminate bread.

Take home message: Whole grain bread contains nutrients, however is additionally unbelievably high in carbohydrates and you'll ingest these nutrients through different foods.

Reducing your macromolecule intake will be tough, however hopefully, these steps can assist you to create healthy habits once it involves implementing a low-carb diet.

Stop Enabling Yourself

What comes to mind when you think of enabling someone ... healthy or unhealthy?  The recent definition refers to providing help that perpetuates a problem rather than fixes it.  You know, the reasons and excuses we make to justify a person's behavior or actions even sacrificing our own health and well-being in doing so.  It can develop into such dysfunction where we actually believe we are helping a situation.   "The reality, though, is that enabling not only doesn't help, but it actively causes harm and makes the situation worse."  When an enabler steps in to help an addict for example, they take away their motivation and desire to get help or change. According to Psychology Today, "enablers help addicts dig themselves deeper into trouble."  

What does this have to do with fitness?  Well, it happens to pertain quite a bit to health and fitness.  Are you making excuses and justifications not to start a fitness program?  Not the right time?  My spouse is keeping me fat?  My friends sabotage me?   Lying to family and friends about a "fake" fitness program? What unhealthy beliefs do you create preventing you from getting fit and why are you enabling that?  This is my point and yes, I strongly disagree with enabling behavior.  It is time to stop enabling yourself.  Being a healthy and fit person will take breaking the cycle of enabling.

When you stop enabling unhealthy behavior, you will see an improvement in your mental game, motivation to exercise and eating right.  Continuing down a path of excuses will only make things worse and illness will eventually come knocking at your door.  We have only one body and playing around thinking our behavior will not come back to bite us in the backside is well, negligent.  Life is too short to entertain enabling behavior further and it is time to make a shift toward healthy decisions.  We can no longer hide behind our justifications that keep us digging a deeper unhealthy hole.  I know this is an in-your-face blog, but it is also what I call tough fitness love.  So, are you ready to stop enabling yourself and get serious about your health and fitness?

Don't miss out on my sport nutrition and fitness articles!  Newly published this week are "Eat Dark Chocolate to Improve Your Workouts" and "Why You Should Eat White Potatoes."   Take some time to peruse the site because it is chalk full of helpful fitness and nutrition info!

Turn Your Brain Back On and Stop Mindless Eating

Mindless eating is ugly and what it does to your body is even worse.  We are
walking around with our brains turned off and grabbing whatever food items in our grazing path.  No rhyme or reason but doing an auto-pilot action of putting something in our face. You know the glazed over look watching TV and mowing through a whole bag of chips. How about the work break room crap we bring to our desks and continue back for more as we plug away at our computers. We're not hungry, not thinking but we're surely eating ... and it's not good.

What the heck is going on and why?  It's no wonder America is plagued with the highest obesity rate and enormous doctor bills for self-induced illness.  Mindless eating needs to stop and instead have enough self-respect to take care of our bodies.  Living to eat is not what life is all about but eating to live, and this does not include processed "fake" food.

Emotional eating can play a role in the whole mindless eating issue, and I would recommend getting to the bottom of what is going on internally.  There is no amount of tasty donuts or pizza fixing an emotional problem.  What it will do is add fat to your body and another reason to be stressed.  Seek out professional help, go to a counselor, see a minister or talk to a trusted friend.

Most of the time, mindless eating is done out of habit and convenience.  If it's there, put it in your face and so on.  We're the true "Walking Dead" existing in our zombie like state and feasting on gross things doing gross things to our body. It's time to turn your brain back on and break unhealthy habits.  

Start the process of mindful eating by doing food inventory.  Toss the junk food in the frig and pantry and replace it with healthy "real" food.   Get off your butt and start working out instead of sitting on it so much.  Stop blaming your spouse, significant other, friends or circumstances for mindless eating.  Just because someone in your home brings in crap food doesn't mean you have to eat it.  

We have choices and mindless eating is like being brain dead.  Wake the hell up and take responsibility for what you're doing.  Get your sh*t together and start thinking before eating.  Make a plan to eat healthy and stick to it.  Keep a food journal and be honest with yourself.  Turn your mindless into mindful eating and you will start down a path to a healthier you.  Straight talk but all in fitness love! Be well and Stay Healthy. 

Read my current articles on eating for the body you want and put the information into practice!


Don't Fall for Fake Health Food

Health food marketing is big business and just so happens to put me on a ranting soap box.  We have been hit hard with "no fat, no sugar", gluten free and now unhealthy organics are making headway. Whatever current health food trend is happening, food companies are figuring out ways to sell, sell sell.  Come on now, organic RufflesDoritos and Cheese Puffs?  Really!?

Even worse, consumers believe them to be healthy and loading grocery carts full of unhealthy organic food items.  Chips are chips, organic or not and probably one of the worst things to put in your body.  Other food items try to squeak by stating they are minimally processed, but processed is processed.  Store shelves are lined with convenient organic items and granted some may be fabulous, but most are not.  The ingredients tell the real story for anything in a box, bag or wrapper.  If you can't understand or pronounce what's on the ingredient label, you better believe it's a chemical sh*t storm.

Many fitness enthusiasts rely on protein and energy bars.  Have you looked at those labels?  You just as well picked up a Snickers Bar.  Health bars are also available in organic versions now but does it make them any better?  Probably pesticide wise, but nutrients remain the same.  Rely on the ingredient label and look for understandable quality food.  Less ingredients is more when it comes to packaged products.

We can't fall for fake health food marketing schemes anymore.  Eating a bag of organic chips post workout isn't muscle recovery food.  Reaching for that energy bar may not be the best choice, and forget the organic pasta.  Real organic food is just that ... real in it's raw state.  Sometimes organics can even look ugly with blemishes and it ripens quickly.  We need to get back to and understand real and whole organic food is what will keep us healthy.  We obtain optimal fitness, improved athletic performance, fat loss and muscle gain when we feed our body the good stuff.  Just because the label says organic, fat free, gluten free or any "free" doesn't mean healthy.  Be a wise shopper and eat what you understand. Keep it real and Stay Healthy!

Don't miss reading my newly released articles "What Your Poo Says About You" written by Dr. Alison Chen, ND and "Food Quality Counts More than Calories".  The site is full or informative reads to help you with your fitness goals.

There are No Free Rides to Fitness

Nothing happens without putting in some effort.  Sorry, no free rides to fitness. The choice is ours to make and we must accept the consequences of that decision.  We can either choose to be miserable and unhealthy or healthy and happy.  Our body will represent our choices.  The answer seems so simple but many fight being healthy tooth and nail.  People somehow feel it's a burden and ruins all the fun in life.  Really?!

How is feeling sick, tired, and in pain all the time a fun daily existence?  Doesn't sound like a party I want to attend.  Why is offering up some time, sweat and healthy food looked upon as the worst thing ever?  Let's wake up America and embrace loving our body with what needs to be done.

Fitness happens when we make it a priority, feed our body the right stuff, and exercise a few times per week.  It's not rocket science nor does it cost lots of money.  There's also room for indulgence, rest and play.  The vicious rumors of fitness not being fun are myths.  The quick fix marketing schemes blasted everywhere want you to believe these myths to get their hands on your hard earned cash.  Sadly, consumers fall for the unregulated snake oil companies are serving up with a smile.  Fitness isn't about quick anything but a lifestyle of consistent healthy habits.

Ready for the fitness secret not a secret?  Get your backside to the gym and workout, eat some greens, grains, lean meat, and drink lots of water.  This is the payment for health and fitness.  Not hard and actually enjoyable once you get your mind right.  Also, if you want a cookie, eat a darn cookie.  Being fit is not a brutal life of diets and exercise punishment.  On the contrary, it's working out and eating right because it makes us feel good and healthy.   Straight talk but all in fitness love. Be well and Stay Healthy!

Want more fitness info? Head on over and read some of my recent articles: "You Can Get Lean Eating Full Fat Foods"  and "6 Clean Eating Myths You Should Stop Believing".  You will definitley find something nutrition or fitness related that's on your mind.

Stop Over Complicating a Simple Process

The only hard thing about fitness is our negative thoughts.  We convince ourselves a disgusting diet is needed and endless hours of exercise are required. We go as far as considering it a burden and  a "cramp my lifestyle" occurrence. Instead of turning our nose up at the very thought of getting healthy, we need to stop over complicating a simple process.

Do you think people decades ago farming for a living to survive and working hard from sunrise to sunset worried about a diet?  They may have spent hours doing physical labor, but it was life and eating healthy.  Nothing complicated, just some sweat, and eating home cooking straight from the garden. Their bodies represented how they lived which unfortunately now is replaced by couch potato channel surfing and stuffing our faces with processed food.

Every nutrition source out there is going to tell you the same story about what is required.  No need to jump from diet to diet searching for some secret.  The problem is within our thoughts and unrealistic expectations.  You want to lose 20 pounds in a week and look like a fitness model.  Not going to happen.  We also want the process to be an easy quick fix requiring no workouts and drinking magic shakes while remaining on our sofas.  Wake up America!

Being fit and healthy is really simple.  Eat greens, grains, lean meats, healthy fats, drink lots of water and exercise at least 3 times per week.  Nothing hard about it and it's not a diet.  Why is this process considered boring, tasteless, and the end of fun in life?  Society and marketing have done a great job brainwashing people to believe a load of crap.

Eating a fresh organic crisp apple or perfectly grilled chicken breast are not what I call horrible.  Are you kidding me?  Remember eating celery stuffed with peanut butter?  Now that's a healthy treat full of flavor and fun.  Being fit will take tossing the food myths and getting real with your thoughts about health.  It will also require you to move your butt off the couch and into the gym.  Exercise is what you enjoy.  Love basketball?  Start playing.  Enjoy dancing?  Look into a Zumba class.  I like to use the kids jungle gyms at parks and play around on those doing pull-ups, step-ups, and triceps dips for example.  No more excuses or beliefs fitness is complicated and time to embrace the simplicity of the process. You can do it ... will you?  All in fitness love and Stay Healthy!

More great reads by yours truly "Parties, Food and Maintaining a Lean Body" and "Food Quality Not Calories is What Counts"