Fitness is All Day Long

Being a fit person is not a temporary condition but fills our entire day and life. The motivation to get in shape may have initiated with bikini season or an event but the lasting results should carry us the rest of this journey.  Some may give up the "fitness ghost" and settle back into old unhealthy habits, but that's not the way it's supposed to work.

Fitness is all day long and lifelong.  Personally, I enjoy a morning workout when my energy is highest and after a strong cup of coffee.  This kick starts my day, I feel great and it prepares my mind and body for the remainder of my 24/7 fitness shift.  My workout is not the only part of staying lean and muscular.  I have lots of healthy food ready to go and I stick pretty hardcore to a 90/10 nutrition plan.  I may relax some on the weekend shifting down to 80/20 to allow for the treats I enjoy, but never overboard.  I am a firm believer of drinking lots of water and easily down a gallon per day and yes, it means lots of bathroom visits.  My only downfall is not getting enough sleep which I lovingly blame on menopause, because the effort is there.

My personal share about fitness being all day long is showing the importance of thinking and incorporating what it takes to be a fit person.  I would be a hypocrite if I didn't walk the talk of what I teach daily to my clients and passionately write about online.  Fitness doesn't end at the workout, but includes the 23-hours after sweating your butt off. Don't think you'll be able to down pizza, beer, and donuts on the regular and call yourself a fit person.  Being fit all day long includes the type of food you eat, what you drink, how you think, getting quality rest, and balance of work and play.   When fitness becomes a habit, the healthy behavior is done without thought and going through the motions comes naturally. This is not about playing pretend or faking it because you know the truth.  In fact, those who are close to you will know the life you lead because as a fit person, there comes admiration from others. You become a motivator without even knowing it and may even be asked how you are able to maintain your healthy lifestyle.  Welcome to my world!


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